Koray İnan
Gamification and Team Management in Sales
With this training, the aim is to make the participants practically experience the gamification scenarios, designed with a coaching approach, in team and sales-team management.
With this training, the aim is to make the participants practically experience the gamification scenarios, designed with a coaching approach, in team and sales-team management.
With the development of technology, working life needs a new model and a new approach. Premium and reward systems cannot be separated from the concept of employee development. Human-oriented designs such as gamification are the embodiment of the win-win scenario of the new era.
With this workshop, what gamification is, why it has become so important recently, in which areas it can be used, and the D-6 model will be presented.
Accelerate your professional development with over 20 training sessions from our expert instructors.
You come across gamification everywhere, but can no one exactly explain what it is? For the right start, these trainings are exactly what you need.
In our workshops you can examine your business processes together with gamification experts and develop the most suitable solutions for you.
You can improve your leadership and sales skills with Motiva Academy trainings and set an example with your performance.
With MotivaCraft Gamification Platform, all the basic issues you need to know in order to make a successful introduction to gamification at work are in these trainings.
Advanced management training tailored to your company so you can use the MotivaCraft Gamification Platform more efficiently.