Koray İnan
Basic Gamification Workshop
In this gamification workshop, basic gamification training will be provided together with Salesmot user training
In this gamification workshop, basic gamification training will be provided together with Salesmot user training
Sales coaching is a form of management and communication that provides an endless opportunity to all sales professionals who want to improve the performance of their sales team and themselves. This process is almost a journey of self-discovery for the employee (client).
With the development of technology, working life needs a new model and a new approach. Premium and reward systems cannot be separated from the concept of employee development. Human-oriented designs such as gamification are the embodiment of the win-win scenario of the new era.
Through this training, the participants will be introduced to how human resources processes can be gamified with the D-6 methodology.
With this training, how to transfer the values of the institutions to the employees and teams through gamification methodology will be experienced.
With this workshop, what gamification is, why it has become so important recently, in which areas it can be used, and the D-6 model will be presented.
A guide for users who purchase MotivaCraft Gamification Platform.
In the training given to the users who purchase and experience the MotivaCraft Gamification Platform, the system and K.P.I.s are evaluated in order to harmonize the process
“Are you ready to explore the world of VUCA?” Improve your performance by participating in highly effective, interactive leadership training in which you will learn by living and gaining experience while playing games.
With this training, the aim is to make the participants practically experience the gamification scenarios, designed with a coaching approach, in team and sales-team management.